What is Yoga really about?
Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. While Yoga involves physical movement, different postures (asanas), flexibility, and strength, Yoga is far more than physical practice. It also contains breathing techniques, meditation, purification of the body and mind. But most importantly, Yoga is a sacred practice.
Yoga in Sanskrit means “Union,” derived from the root word „yuj”, which translates to „to join” or „to unite.” The essential aim of Yoga is to reach the state of “samadhi”, fusion between the Universe – macrocosm and the microcosm of our being. According to yogic philosophy, the human body is seen as a miniature representation – microcosm of the entire universe – macrocosm. In other words, we are identical as the universe, only smaller.
That is why, although in Yoga we move our bodies and position them in specific ways, the real purpose is to sculpt the muscles of our mind, to bring it back home. To unite the microcosm of our being with the macrocosm of the Universe. The ultimate home of our mind is not a house filled with human thoughts but the Universe itself. To make space for the infinite, through Yoga, we work on our mind.
In Yoga our mind becomes a tuning button, through which we can attune ourselves to the Universe and its Supreme Energies, such as: love, harmony, joy, fulfillment, abundance, and health and improve our life in all areas.
When I personally practice yoga, I am returning home, into the arms of the Mother Universe, where I truly belong. All longing and desires fade away, silence settles in, and space is made for my soul. The body no longer constrains or limits me. I feel freedom and unconditional love.
There is no Tantra without Yoga!
Why? I always emphasize that we are not merely physical bodies; above all, we are energetic beings, a Spirit. Tantra is an ancient spiritual science of energy that teaches us how to work with our own energy in a way that serves us. In today’s hectic world, we often become slaves to our energy. In other words, life slips out of our control, and we become like puppets carried by the strong and unpredictable currents of a river. We are the victim of the situations that happen to us.
You have probably heard the saying, „You are what you eat.” In Yoga, we can say: „You are your thoughts.” Each of us has days when we wake up in a bad mood, and then the entire day seems to go wrong. This perfectly illustrates how we become that bad mood, that negative emotion. Emotions are energy, and if we do not control them, we will not be able to control our lives. What happens in our lives reflect what is happening in our minds. So, if there is fear, jealousy, anger, pessimism, and mistrust, our world will be filled with all of this.
Tantra offers us its ancient wisdom and practices, such Yoga, so that we can become masters of our own energy, managing it in a way that nourishes rather than drains us, and, moreover, allowing us to take control of our life and destiny.
Benefits of practicing Yoga
Remembering that the real goal of authentic Yoga is much higher one than healing or paranormal effects, here are some beneficial effects that regular practice of Yoga may bring:
☪︎ PHYSICAL HEALTH: better posture, flexibility, strength, balance
☪︎ MENTAL HEALTH: mental clarity, sharpened concentration, enhanced memory, feeling of being grounded and centered.
☪︎ EMOTIONAL STABILITY: stress reduction, emotional release, positivity, optimism, inner harmony & balance
☪︎ SELF-GROWTH: enhanced productivity, courage, self-confidence, will power
☪︎ PHYSOLOGICAL WELL-BEING: anxiety and depression reduction, healing of trauma
☪︎ ENERGETIC CONDITION: increased energy flow, reduced fatigue, improved sleep quality, vitality
And more!
Practicing Yoga is not enough.
Even if we practice Yoga daily, if we continue to feed ourselves with junk food, maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, pollute our bodies with harmful substances, or act unkindly and unethically toward others, our practice loses its purpose, and we will remain disconnected from the Divine. The true purpose of Yoga, The Union will never be accomplished.
More important is the purpose behind the practice.
If we approach Yoga with:
we will have life without agony, suffering and liberation from Samsara – the wheel of human pain.
I am a passionate teacher of authentic Hatha Yoga which is one of the most widely practiced forms of Yoga. The term „Hatha” originates from the Sanskrit words „ha” (sun) and „tha” (moon), symbolizing the balance between opposing forces, such as light and dark, masculine and feminine, or YIN and YANG. The practice aims to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit through physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. I only guide 1,5 h meditative sadhana, where we remain in postures longer. Life itself is already fast-paced and stressful, so why add stress on the mat?
Waiting for you on the yoga mat.
In person or online, in Polish or in English
More about the session and pricing here
“Yoga means union, that in your experience, everything has become one.”
Jaggi Vasudev