I will never forget my first time with Tantra
I encountered expansion of the mind and consciousness, a renewed appreciation for my body, my very first heart orgasm. Tantra taught me how to be a woman and shine with the beauty that is within me. After that, I knew how it is to be loved unconditionally and how it is to offer this pure love to the world. The knowledge and wisdom that Tantra offers blew my mind, heart and soul right open.
Tantra tremendously changed my life
I can say that before I was a small boat on the dangerous ocean. Tantra gave me the tools to become a stable, centered and solid ship. Now I am able to see the connections, I can build long-lasting and meaningful relationships with people, and finally live my life without a superficial mask on my face.
What is Tantra really?
Most people would answer: Tantra is sex; Tantra is a spiritual approach to sex; the form of teachings for better relationships and deeper intimacy; a way to spice up your sexual life; part of Kamasutra, or on the other hand a kind of cult or sect, a religion. There are many more misconceptions about Tantra in the modern world, so even more incorrect answers to this important question could be mentioned here. Tantra is none of the above.
That doesn’t mean that Tantra can’t offer you pleasure. It may offer you pleasure beyond all the pleasures, the soulgasm or the full body energy orgasm experience.
The truth is Tantra can offer you something much more profound than just improvement of your sexual life. If you are looking for a change, Tantra is one of the best systems in the whole history of this planet that can guarantee real, authentic and elevated transformation. Ultimately Tantra is a way to really understand who you are as a human being. It can really change your life. It changed mine and changed the lives of thousands and thousands of people.
The Science Of Energy
According to Tantra, there is energy inside us and all around us. Everything is interconnected – this is Tantra’s most fundamental principle. We have different types of energy such as the universe, electricity, gravity, money, your car, your body, your thoughts, emotions, love and all of them are governed by a specific law.
Tantric masters discovered millennia ago that energy rules the universe, and therefore our lives. They knew that these various forms of energy contain an infinite amount of potential. If you are unconscious of these universal forces, then you are by definition a slave to these waves of energy and you are like a small boat at the mercy of the ocean.
Tantrics refused to live in such a way. Therefore, they studied energy extensively to create a potent, comprehensive system for controlling energy on any level. They became masters of energy and consequently masters of their lives on any level. There is a saying that if you don’t control your mind, your mind will control you.
Tantra offers you the “master key” for controlling all types of energy. Who wouldn’t like to become a master of the universe, the master of his or her own life?
Sexual Energy In Tantra
Sexual energy is extremely dynamic and powerful. It is life giving life and is one of the most potent types of energy – comparable to uranium in a nuclear reactor. Tantrics recognized that and they not only studied but learned how to control it. Not because they were obsessed with sex, but because they were obsessed with spiritual growth.
This powerful energy, if harnessed and mastered correctly, can transform a human being from the inside out and bring men and women to amazing discoveries and heights of pleasure, intimacy and divinity. By utilizing sexual energy in a specific way, we are able to generate an elongated orgasmic state while riding continuous waves of bliss and ecstasy.
Sex Meets Spirituality
Sex and spirituality really aren’t that different. Tantric sex is one of the tantric paths toward spiritual illumination. In the ancient times of India, tantric masters used sexuality for spiritual purposes. Luckily, these sacred practices are not reserved for the spiritual elite only.
When a woman and man unite and orgasm is reached, it provides a very brief glimpse into the divine and our true nature. This is such a crucial moment and yet so fleeting for most that its potential is null. Thanks to efficient and practical tantric tools, you can transform this fleeting moment into a moment of enlightenment or into an earnest meeting with God, the Highest Energy, the Universe, and still experience mind-blowing sexual pleasure and extension of the orgasmic experience.
Spiritual Highway
Tantra is an incredible spiritual teaching originating from India 5000-6000 years ago and is considered one of the most powerful teachings for human evolution. Although it is ancient knowledge, it is also the most relevant and applicable spiritual path for all modern people.
This extensive and proven tantric system combines many efficient, ready-to-use tools that you can easily incorporate into your daily life, such as: Tantra yoga, tantric meditation, tantric pranayama and much more. The various paths of Tantra appeals to all temperaments and all personalities and accommodate a wide spectrum of human physical conditions and spiritual inclinations.
Tantra Is Not A Vague Concept
While energy can be a misty conception for many people, the physical body is not. It is something that is perceivable and tangible. Therefore, Tantra uses the physical body as a tool to reconnect a practitioner with more subtle forms of energy and aspects of themselves. As a result, people are able to recognize themselves as something beyond physical structure, but an energetic and spiritual being with purpose in life.
How Is This Relevant For You?
It is believed by tantric masters and practitioners that Tantra returned with greater force in response to the very difficult times we live in, times that discredit spirituality. As modern people, on our road we face many obstacles such as greed, physical and mental illness, attachment to material things, toxicity, and falsehood. These obstacles make us prisoners of ourselves. Tantra is a science that sets you on a path of happiness, health, and abundance, without all those obstacles. Moreover, all this can be done without even the slightest violation of values and standards others and your environment may hold. Tantra can be your initiation to sacredness of your true self.
To discover more treasures that the ocean of Tantra can offer you, join one of my teachings or schedule Tantra massage/online healing session.
”Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the ocean.”
Thich Nhat Hanh