Malarz: Krzysztof Powałka - Nocne Łowy


This painting presenting a woman on the shoulders of a strong man, hunting for the moon, is very significant to me. It reminds me of what I once lost and regained. It reminds me how crucial is the balance between feminine and masculine energy within us – women. When you look at this painting, the man is helping the woman to cast the net, supporting her in hunting the moon. In other words, he supports her in achieving goals and dreams. He lends her muscular and stable shoulders so she can reach higher and higher. Meanwhile, she trusts him, surrenders to the strength of his shoulders, feels safe. Both are in balance. There is no fight, lack of trust, jealousy. There is no proving, grasping, there is only letting go.

Among you, there will be women who will say: But she could hunt the moon on her own, climb a tree and try.

We, modern women, prefer to climb trees, mountains, and high ladders, rather than rely on the strength of male shoulders. We take revenge for times that are already gone, failing to notice that we lose more than we gain.

We want to be strong – that’s good!
We want to do everything ourselves – also good!
We use very often our masculine energy – that’s VERY WRONG!
Why? The answer is simple.

We take care of the masculine energy within us, forgetting to cultivate the feminine energy given to us by nature and our birth. Although we apply makeup to our faces, style our hair, slip heels on our feet, and wear a tight red dress, this is not the way to be a woman.

What does it really mean to be a Woman?

Unfortunately, the modern world does not answer this question properly, causing disagreement, complexes, frustration in many of us. When we finally feel that we want to change something, we start looking for workshops, courses, therapists that will could help us find this femininity. Some think that woman empowerment is the way to happy femininity. Others offer very fashionable nowadays -„sisterhood” and encourage supporting women/sisters so we could bring out our femininity. Yet others want to make us flawless goddesses, moving with grace and acting with eloquence. All these possibilities lead to one or another extremum. If we focus only on our independence, we will greatly develop the masculine side, although the goal and intention were different. By focusing on helping „sisters”, we will develop the motherly woman within us. By becoming a goddess, we may get trapped in the snares of the ego.
What does Tantra say and how can Tantra help us regain balance, femininity, and ultimately fulfillment?


In all spiritual traditions, you will come across the term polarization. Polarization even applies to science; for there to be light, the source of electricity must have a positive and negative pole. In ancient Chinese traditions, masculinity and femininity are referred to as YANG and YIN, where YANG is the plus polarity and masculine energy, and YIN is the minus polarity and feminine energy. This duality, polarization, is the quintessence of Tantra.
Tantra understands that everything that exists, WE, the universe, animals, nature, functions thanks to polarization: masculine and feminine energy, which complement each other in balance. In Tantra, men are recognized as the ultimate symbol of masculine polarization, while women are the ultimate symbol of feminine polarization. However, this does not mean that men cannot manifest feminine energy, and women cannot manifest masculine energy in their actions. They can, only as in everything, finding the golden mean is most important, which in this case is balance. What does this mean?

For a bird to be able to fly, both wings must be equally developed. However, if one wing of the bird is larger, it will wobble and not fly high. Differences between men and women are strongly nurtured in the tantric tradition. If a woman uses her femininity in life and in her spiritual practices, she will progress much faster than if she were to use her masculine energy for the same purpose. Why? Simply because feminine energy lies in her nature. Some situations require us, women, to use YANG energy, masculine, and some require YIN energy, feminine. Knowing which situation requires which energy is a matter of training and experimentation. Tantra is rich in tools and techniques that help balance both energies, without disturbing the feminine energy that was given to us at birth when our soul inhabited a female body.


Unfortunately, in today’s chaotic, unbalanced world, we have lost our femininity. If I ask each of you „Who are you as a Woman?” I suppose many of you would answer: mother, wife, singer, model, manager, friend, daughter. We have divided our femininity into all these roles and try not to disappoint anyone or neglect anything. We fulfill these roles, relying on strong masculine energy to survive. We allow ourselves weakness, tears, assertiveness, pure, primal femininity less and less often. It’s like with physical exercises. Our body would look strange if, for a long time, we only exercised our buttocks, neglecting everything else. That is why constantly exercising our male energy muscle makes the femininity within us weak, silent, and not shining as it used to.

Going back to the painting, they both perfectly understand the situation and how they can use the energy to achieve the goal together. At first glance, you may think that the woman achieves her goal, and the man only helps her. Not so. If she will hunt that moon, its light will shine in his soul as well.

Now I will reveal what this painting reminds me of. It reminds me of years, specifically half of my life, when I couldn’t be a woman, express my femininity, manifest it. I was the only guilty, proving at every step and in every action how strong I am, training hard my masculine energy. Tantra helped me to rediscover my femininity, set it free from thick ropes it was entangled in, feed, nourish it, and then manifest it to the world. I will never forget the feeling that accompanied me when I saw my long-hidden femininity as radiant as the full moon. There was no jewelry shining on my body, no glitter on my eyelids, it was my feminine soul, shining from inside out. I cultivate this glow, the fire of my feminine energy to this day, and I am not afraid to climb onto male shoulders, I seek them, because I know I need them, to shine.

P.S. This Art „Night Hunts” was painted by the wonderful Artist and Painter – Krzysztof Powałka.