Dear Man,
We do need a serious conversation about tantra massage.

I address this article to you for a reason. Unfortunately, in my practice as an Authentic Tantra Therapist and as a Woman, I often meet on my way men who try to push the boundaries of intimacy in the wrong direction and to be clear is not their or your fault. On the other hand, there are many of you who are seeking an Authentic Tantric Experience but are receiving just a regular erotic service. This happens because the internet is full of inappropriate information about Tantra and services that abuse Tantra word for a bad purpose. I realized that this topic needs attention and clarification.

It’s not just about saving time for both, therapist and the receiver but also helping you and guide you to not get lost in this world full of misconceptions about Tantric Massage.

I am also driven by the need to restore proper respect for Authentic Tantra. Respect for Tantric Masters and their disciples who have ensured that this knowledge survives until today, so we can benefit from it and grow spiritually.

1. Erotic massage is not an Authentic Tantra Massage, even though it is called so!

In Authentic Tantra Massage, sexual energy is the one we work with (but not the only one). Many massage services took advantage of it and started to imitate this sacred and healing ritual. Let’s call them „other services or „happy ending” services. It’s not surprising because sex has been the most effective seller for thousands of years. So why not label an erotic massage as „tantric”? It adds an element of mystery, something different, and it is the perfect way to attract clients. Among books, the worldwide bestseller after the Bible is the Kamasutra (note, Kamasutra is not Tantra, but it is a topic for another article). Sexual energy is the most powerful of energies, governing the world and us since ancient times, influencing all aspects of our lives. Hence, Tantra has become trendy, and unfortunately, this sacred word and teachings are, delicately saying, abused.

Dear Man, when you look for an Authentic Tantra Massage, be careful.

On my website, I explain how to distinguish Authentic Tantra from pseudo-tantra. If you seek deep transformation, want to change your perspective on sexuality, discover the truth about yourself, I invite you into my space. Every human being is a Temple to me, and I never enter with dirty shoes there.

 What do I offer you instead of a Happy Ending?

There will not be a “happy ending,” but there will be your happy body.

You will not see me naked, or half-naked, but you will see your naked soul.

You will not touch my body, but I will touch you from inside out.

Moreover, Tantra has much more to offer.

2. No ejaculation = no pleasure?

Absolutely not. It signifies the beginning of pleasure beyond your imagination. Would you like to exchange few seconds of orgasm with ejaculation for hours of ecstatic waves of pleasure? Orgasm that fills your entire body and soul? I often use the analogy of the ocean because I love the ocean and its vastness. Orgasm with ejaculation is like a surfer dipping slightly his foot into the ocean. Tantric orgasm is like surfing on the highest waves, freedom, wind in your hair, refreshing breeze that pierces body and soul. All of this, thanks to the potential that lies in sexual energy. Starting from its healing powers to profound transformative effects. Not without reason, ancient Tantrics dedicated themselves to studying it, developing meditative techniques, breathing exercises and various other Tantric tools to tame this energy and manage it as effectively as possible. They quickly realized that this crucial skill opens the doors to limitless possibilities of development in all aspects of life, as well as boundless pleasure.

3. Sexual energy IS NOT INFINITE.

I have an important message for you – you do not have unlimited sexual energy given to you for a lifetime, remember that. Sexual energy is limited (for women as well). Wasting such a precious fuel, which determines your vitality and the pace of the aging process, for a few seconds of happiness, is not that clever. Tantra has everything to allow you to transform this powerful energy into the realization of your dreams, passions, and goals and protect you from its regular loss. Taking as an example a car wheel – inflated wheels will allow you to reach your destination. On deflated wheels, you will not go far. The same goes for your sexual energy. More about this could be written, but in this article is just to give you a glance of it.

4. Lingam Massage in Authentic Tantric Massage

An important part of Authentic Tantric Massage is the Lingam Massage. It doesn’t necessarily have to occur during the first or subsequent sessions. Your body may not be ready for it. However, it doesn’t mean that the session loses its potential; you might just need different energetic support, unblocking, or preparation at that moment.

The Lingam massage itself is not sexual or erotic in nature. You can wipe any visions or fantasies involving manual or oral stimulation of the Lingam for arousal and ejaculation purposes. Moreover, unfortunately, an erection will actually prohibit all of the techniques from being applied.

Additionally, Authentic Lingam Massage doesn’t lead to ejaculatory orgasm, which, as mentioned earlier, is a loss of precious energy. This would contradict ancient Tantric principles. Instead, sexual energy is contained and maintained. This allows a man to achieve an energetic orgasm throughout the entire body, known as the „Full Body Orgasm” and is the key to becoming a true Tantric Man.

I understand this might sound disappointing to you, but believe me, your orgasmic potential is much bigger. A properly conducted Authentic Lingam Massage is a way to access an indescribable form of deep, fulfilling, long-lasting, and sustained pleasure, as well as to experience multiple orgasms.

5. Authentic Tantra Massage experience is reserved for You, not for the Therapist.

What do I mean by that? An Authentic Tantra Therapist does not seduce with nudity to awaken the sexual energy of the Receiver. Therefore, with all due respect to female therapists, covering the body with just a sarong is not enough in this type of massage, not to mention full nudity, which also happens in many places. This is not how Authentic Tantra prepares therapists to work with sexual energy. Tantra Massage session in Authentic Tantra is a sacred, pure session devoid of such sexual dimensions and exchange between the therapist and Receiver. It is a deep healing process of the Receiver, not an erotic fulfillment. The therapist tempting with nudity is not an Authentic Tantric Therapist. Imagine psychotherapist to whom you go for a session, spreading her legs in front of you or flirting with you. Would you consider her as professional therapist?

I always say to the men I work with: „This is supposed to be your experience, and the sexual energy we will work with should come from within you, not from what you see. Therefore, please close your eyes.” This does not mean that in Authentic Tantra Massage, you won’t experience tenderness, comforting arms, care, sensitive and healing touch, and intimacy. It all exists but flows from the heart.

If during a tantric massage session, the therapist:
  • is naked or barely covered,
  • allows you to touch her body, breasts, thighs, intimate parts,
  • does not communicate with you to manage sexual energy appropriately, so you don’t lose it with ejaculation,
  • does not teach you techniques to control your sexual energy, such as specific breathing pattern,
  • the massage of intimate parts reminds you a foreplay with your partner.
IF ONE OF ABOVE TAKES PLACE – YOU ARE NOT IN AN AUTHENTIC TANTRA MASSAGE SESSION. In other words, during an Authentic Tantra Massage session, you should feel that the person guiding you is a Professional Therapist! Authentic Tantra Therapist never mix private life and private space with the person she guides.