Guiding others back to their true nature through Tantra
brings me great joy and gratitude in witnessing the transformational power of these teachings.
You have just dipped your toe into the vast ocean of Tantra. The divine is an infinite ocean of beauty and joy, and all manifestations contained in the universe are waves of this ocean. Each of us is a drop in this ocean, and as such, each of us is an inseparable part of these ocean. Quantitatively, we may be smaller than the ocean, but qualitatively, we are exactly the same.
For me, tantra is like an ocean full of treasures in its depth. Once the ocean breeze touches your soul, life on the land will never be the same.
Tantra offers you ancient and powerful knowledge, tools which can lift up your personal transformation, help you to discover your full potential and even propel your spiritual evolution. This path is ideal for the modern person, as its practices are energetically based and can easily be incorporated into your daily life.
As a revolutionary therapy, it is a doorway between an ordinary life and an extraordinary life, ordinary sex and extraordinary sex, and being an ordinary man or woman and a tantric man or woman.
Like with the ocean, you can first slowly immerse your foot, then start to swim, and when you feel ready you can sail and explore the vastness of ocean without shores.
“Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.”
Khalil Gibran